- All Medical Rehabilitation Services for persons with Locomotor Disability are offered under one roof through the 'Interdisciplinary Team Approach' followed in the Institute since its inception.
- New Registrations for treatment are done free of cost on OPD days from 9 am to 12 noon. Patient's record files are issued that are to be submitted back in the Records section after the treatment/ consultation is received and cards are given to the patients to be produced to access the files on each visit to the Institute.
- Examination in PMR OPD for the Diagnosis making and rehabilitation management prescription. Investigation facilities - Radiology / Pathology / Electro-diagnosis and foot pressure scanning facilities are available.
- Patients requiring Reconstructive Surgeries are given a date of admission for surgery (normally not exceeding 3 months) which is coordinated with the trial date of the appliances and the entire procedure is completed within the shortest possible time.
- Pre-therapy evaluation of impairments and functions in the various Departments.
- Delivery of prescribed therapies in physiotherapy/ occupational therapy and/or speech therapy departments. Appointments are given based on availability of staff and no. of patients to be treated.
- Measurement for prescribed orthosis/ prosthesis. Patient is assessed for fitment and quality of the appliance in P&O clinics and the appliance is then finalized. The process requires time varying from few hours to few weeks.
- The services of medical social worker and vocational counselor are utilized whenever required.
- The patients are admitted to the ward, if required, particularly for surgical or long term supervised management.
- Wherever required patients are provided training in the Vocational Training Workshop and referred for Employment.
- Cases requiring special attention and detailed discussion and rehabilitation planning by the rehabilitation team are discussed in special clinics,by giving prior appointment.
- Transport Service for the severely disabled, attending regularly is provided by the Institute up to certain geographical limits in the city.
- Medical/ Surgical / Therapy / interventions and Investigations are Free of Cost.
- Cost of Special Mobility Aids and Appliances are to be borne by the Patients.
- Disability and other Certificates.