Medical Social Work Department
In keeping with the Vision, Mission and Objectives of the Institute, the Medical Social Department strives to achieve the following
- Provide the best
possible psycho socio
economic services for
Persons with multiple and
locomotor disabilities
attending the Institute.
This is done by involving
and mobilizing the inherent
potential and resources
within the patient, family
and the community through
the Interdisciplinary Team
- Enrich the collaboration
and cooperation with Schools
of Social Work, P.G Depts.
of Social work and
Disability Studies, other
Government & NGOs related to
Health, Education, Welfare
and Development
Departmental Staff
Comprise of the
- Lecturer & Head,
- Lecturer, MSW
- Medical Social
Services offered through
the MSW Dept to Persons with
Disability include the
- Socio Economic
assessment of patient and
- Interpretation of
treatment /Rehabilitation
Programme after evaluation
in all departments and
coordinating with
rehabilitation team
regarding management.
- Case work counseling,
short term and long term,
with special reference to
disability, both individual
and family depending on the
type/ severity and the
treatment advised.
- Group activities for all
age groups with the purpose
of recreation, education and
- Evaluation and provision
of financial assistance in
the form of subsidies for
aids and appliances
manufactured in the
Institute and in the local
Market as well as medicines
and investigations.
- Referral services to
community resources for
financial assistance,
educational assistance,
school and institutional
placement, family services
- Transport services for
patients on regular therapy
/ Rehabilitation
- Home Visits for
evaluation and follow
- Participation in
interdisciplinary Case
Conferences/ Ward rounds/
Cerebral Palsy Clinics/
Follow up Clinics, Special
- Coordination with
community Resources for the
integration of PWD in the
- Involvement and
participation in the various
Institute program i.e. out
reach program and CBR for
person with disabilities. (
Rural/ Urban)
- Conduct / Participate
training/ teaching program
for persons with
disabilities and their
Academic Activities of
- Teaching at all courses
conducted in the Institute
viz PT/ OT/ P&O.
- Teaching and field work
supervision of post graduate
Degree Students from the
College of Social Work,
University of Mumbai and
Tata Institute of Social
Sciences and/or other
- Conducting PG courses
for Trained social workers.
(under process with MUHS &
- Attending and presenting
papers at Seminars,
Workshops, and Conferences
at Regional, National and
International level.
- Studies concerned with Socio
Economic Cultural aspects of
Disability and
Rehabilitation in the area
of Education, Employment &
Family Adjustment.
- Donations are accepted for
poor and needy
patients/persons with
disabilities in the form of
cheques and demand drafts in
favour of Director,
AIIPMR/All India Institute
of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, Mumbai.